Product Description
Ditch the generic, embrace the iconic!
Alright, purchasing aficionados, let's play a little game called - Boost Your Inventory! Find your center with our Boundless Terp Pen Replacement Heating Element 5 pack - it's not just another ceramic heating element; it's a ticket to Cloud Nine! Keep your Terp Pen as fresh as your store's vibe. It's like the yoga for Terp Pens - a little weekly cleanse and your device is Zen again. Offer your Terppen customers serenity, clarity, and inner balance from dirty or burned out heating elements and embrace this enlightening purchase!
Keep your Terp Pen running like new by replacing the heating element every few months. Depending on your usage we recommend disassembling the Terp Pen once per week and wiping down the internals with isopropyl alcohol. Let air dry after cleaning and perform a burn-off (instructions included) prior to use.
Our 5 pack of Terp Pen ceramic heating elements are made up of high-quality ceramic materials which are wrapped with a medical-grade stainless steel wire. The ceramic heating element is instantaneously heated when the breath sensor is activated, allowing for you to dip the heating element into the concentrate of your choice and enjoy.